Multi–agentni sistemi za analizu interakcija u nastavi i učenja (Multi–agent systems for the analysis of teaching interaction and learning)


U novije vrijeme računari i multi–agentni sistemi (MAS) se u mnogim oblastima znanja značajnije koriste za brže, tačnije, preciznije, konzistentnije i pouzdanije učenje. Istovremeno, u većini današnjih sistema za e–učenje implementiraju se inteligentni agenti, ali većina ovih sistema nije u potpunosti prilagođena funkcionisanju sa MAS. Daljnji razvoj i primjena MAS za analizu interakcija u nastavi i učenja rezultuje nastankom novih ideja vezanih uz realizaciju procesa učenja i poučavanja. Glavni akcenat ovog rada je na analizi različitih struktura tog procesa sa ciljem da implementacija kompleksnih interakcija sa inteligentnim multi–agentnim sistemima dovodi do postizanja boljih interakcija u nastavi i učenja. – Recently, in many domains, there is the significant use of computers and multi–agent systems (MAS) to support learning. At the same time, although the majority of today’s systems for e–learning are performed on computers and make the implementation of intelligent agents as essential part of the process of teaching and learning, these systems are not fully adapted to the performance with MAS. Further development and application of MAS for the analysis of interaction in teaching and learning results in the emergence of new ideas related to the implementation process of learning and teaching. The main accent of this paper is on the analysis of different structures of this process, and its main aim is to point out that the implementation of complex interactions with intelligent multi–agent systems leads to achieving better interaction in teaching and learning.

Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Jahorina, RS, B&H, March 17–19, 2010

